Sunday, 18 May 2008

Mimo777 fan

Because clubpenguin gang has put my website on their ultimate links I have put a fan banner on the website here is a picture of it
Mimo777 & Club Penguin Gang!

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Medieval party begins

The medieval party has begun and there is a new room all you got to do is go to the forest and go up the ladder also there is a free item the tunic to get it go to the dock and waddle over to where it says take one

Igloo contest

On the 23rd of May there is a medieval igloo contest so get ready for judging the prize is 10,000 coins and the penguins igloos will be in the paper

Thursday, 15 May 2008


Because I know not all people have memberships on clubpenguin Im not going to renew mine to show you that you can have a good time without a membership

Cool member glitch

when I visited clubpenguin I found the master glitch although my membership has ended some of my clothes are still on take a look at this picture

Back in the house

Its cmeu here and I'm back online so make sure to check the website regularly

Friday, 9 May 2008

Some information

Sorry but I cant update the blog for a while due to me to doing some important work to do with school so I will try and update the blog when I can